
Inspiring Change

Making a Difference 

Making it Count

Hi, I’m Dalya

Sometimes things happen that make you sit up and take notice. They make you realise life is short and force you to figure out what’s really important to you.

Passionate about great communication, I have spent thousands of hours and many years of personal growth and training developing two loves in my life. I have now come to this conclusion:

The ability to communicate effectively, through speaking and/or writing is one of the most valuable personal and professional skills a person can hold.

​I believe it is that persons responsibility, to share this skill to benefit and enhance the lives of others.

You might agree, it takes a different type of thinking to achieve a different result.

I love what I do and my desire is to offer you a perspective that will lead to positive change in your life and in your business.

Let’s take the first step together . . .

Professional Info

As a speaker, my goal is to leave you feeling uplifted, empowered and stronger for having spent time with me.

I want to engage with you, regardless of age, or background, across schools and industries, and take you on a journey with me.

My story is one of Love, Loss, Choice and Change. I live the reality of every parents worst nightmare and I share my tale, real and raw and my path from there to here. It is a true story of facing adversity, overcoming challenges and building resilience and strength. 

I am well placed to help you find meaning and sense in situations that seem suffocating and unimaginable.

As a content writer, I will articulate and relay the message that will achieve your desired objectives.

Regardless of the project, it is always people that will read it. Therefore, it needs to be conversational, interesting, engaging and compelling.

Great content delivers great results and I will write great content for you!

hard work*

You have worked hard to get your business where it is today. You have no doubt spent countless hours and overcome challenges because you are committed and passionate about your product or service. Why would you then put it in the hands of someone who was any less committed than you?

When you  hire me to write your content or to speak at your event,  you are hiring someone who has also done the hard yards. You are hiring someone who has your best interests at heart and is committed and passionate about your success.


“You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar



Let’s make positive
change Together



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