The Puptisserie


The Puptisserie is a boutique family-owned manufacturer and supplier of premium quality, all-natural dog treats.

Shortly after launch, the business took a steep curve upwards, with a rapid rise in demand for their products.

As part of an ongoing marketing and customer service plan, the owners wanted to clearly highlight their point of difference.

The goal was to ensure new visitors to the site, as well as existing clients, could see ‘at a glance’ why the Puptisserie was the best and healthiest solution in canine treats.

They requested a review of their site content with a goal to simplifying and rewording where necessary.

The objective was to keep the tone light and informative while engaging and guiding visitors to an obvious next step.

The Project

Each section was reviewed and reworded as required.

Attention was paid on keeping content clear and concise while maintaining their friendly and professional tone throughout.

Their point of difference and benefits were highlighted with big headings. Sentences were re-phrased for better flow and easier reading.

The Result

The client was extremely happy with the simplified version. They loved the revised more compelling content and appreciated the gentle but clear call to action. Additional pages are planned for the future.

The Bonus

The client was so impressed, they referred me to another company who subsequently also engaged my services.

CopywritingWeb Content
Visit site

Client: The Puptisserie

Date: 2020-2021